Average Total Cost: $120,000
Average Time of Stay: 4 years
Average Total Cost: $6,000
Average Time of Stay: 2 years
Average Total Cost: $5,000
Average Time of Stay: 1-2 years
Average Total Cost: $2,000
Average Time of Stay: 6 months
Median Salary: $74,000
Education Needed: Trade School
Median Salary: $70,000
Education Needed: Nursing School
Median Salary: $101,000
Education Needed: Coding Bootcamp
Median Salary: $92,000
Education Needed: Trade School
Median Salary: $72,000
Education Needed: Community College
Median Salary: $74,000
Education Needed: Community College
Median Salary: $69,000
Education Needed: Electrical School
Median Salary: $57,000
Education Needed: Community College
Hockey star Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” It's the same way with your career. You need to look forward. Anticipate the emerging trends. Figure out how you can leverage your skills to pivot toward a fast-growing career instead of being stuck with a job that’s going nowhere.
But student debt also has a significant impact on the everyday lives of current college students including the decisions they make about where and what to study, as well as their mental health.
It’s a well-known fact that many graduates of four-year colleges find themselves drowning in debt and unable to find a viable job after graduation. But what’s less well known is that trade schools offer job placement opportunities that can help assuage these dynamics in a meaningful way.